Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Crack just got more addicting...

Don't you hate it when you're with someone and all you can see is the top of their head because their noses are buried in their Crackberry! Well too EFFIN' bad! I love the Crack and some generous hackers were kind enough to share the new BBM 5.0 (BBM stands for 'Blackberry Messenger' for all the non-addicts out there) with the public and spoil RIM's big release. Apparently, the new BBM 5.0 allows users to:

1. Save and set different avatars
2. Set conversation topics
3. New smilies *yay*
4. Different chat styles (i.e. bubbles, lines & standard)
5. More 'Send File' options
6. Crop and save pictures to be used as avatars
7. Set your own BBM barcode

*IMPORTANT*** Being the generous guy that I am, I posted the link to download the latest Crackberry app below. HOWEVER, this is a BETA PROGRAM - which in Nerd language means that it is still in the testing phases. Install at your own risk for all those impatient addicts and be sure to backup your sh*t!

www.johnbergoon.com (download here)